Module Daikon

module Daikon: sig .. end
This module provides support for the Daikon tool.

Daikon (available at is an invariant detector that works by analyzing the traces produced by an instrumented program.

Bolt can produce Daikon-comptabile traces by using statements like:

LOG Daikon.t WITH Daikon.point "pt" [ "i" i];
more information can be found in the Bolt manual.


val t : string
The identifier message for Daikon traces.
type variable 
The type of variables to be recorded in a trace.
type properties = (string * string) list 
The type of information to be recorded in a trace.
type 'a variable_builder = string -> 'a -> variable 
The type of function building variables, taking two parameters:

Variable constructors

val bool : bool variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.
val bool_option : bool option variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val bool_list : bool list variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val bool_array : bool array variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.
val int : int variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.
val int_option : int option variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val int_list : int list variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val int_array : int array variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.
val float : float variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.
val float_option : float option variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val float_list : float list variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val float_array : float array variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.
val string : string variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.
val string_option : string option variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val string_list : string list variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
val string_array : string array variable_builder
Defines a variable from name and value.

Variable combinators

val make_variable_builder : ('a -> variable list) -> 'a variable_builder
Constructs a variable builder function, by projecting a given value to a list of variables.
val tuple2 : 'a variable_builder ->
'b variable_builder -> ('a * 'b) variable_builder
tuple2 t1 t2 returns a variable builder for couple of type t1 * t2.
val tuple3 : 'a variable_builder ->
'b variable_builder ->
'c variable_builder -> ('a * 'b * 'c) variable_builder
tuple3 t1 t2 t3 returns a variable builder for triple of type t1 * t2 * t3.
val tuple4 : 'a variable_builder ->
'b variable_builder ->
'c variable_builder ->
'd variable_builder -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) variable_builder
tuple4 t1 t2 t3 t4 returns a variable builder for quadruple of type t1 * t2 * t3 * t4.
val tuple5 : 'a variable_builder ->
'b variable_builder ->
'c variable_builder ->
'd variable_builder ->
'e variable_builder ->
('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) variable_builder
tuple5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 returns a variable builder for quintuple of type t1 * t2 * t3 * t4 * t5.

Properties constructors

val point : string -> variable list -> properties
point id vars defines the properties for a given point in code, id being the identifier for the point and vars the variable list.
val enter : string -> variable list -> properties
enter id pars Defines the properties for a entry point in code (typically function begin), id being the identifier for the function and pars the parameter list.
val exit : string -> variable -> variable list -> properties
exit id ret pars Defines the properties for a exit point in code (typically function end), id being the identifier for the function, ret the returned value and pars the parameter list.

Layout elements

val decls_header : string list
The header defining Daikon events (declaration part).
val decls_render : Event.t -> string
The rendering function for Daikon format (declaration part).
val dtrace_header : string list
The header defining Daikon events (trace part).
val dtrace_render : Event.t -> string
The rendering function for Daikon format (trace part).
val layout_decls : Layout.t
The layout supporting the "Daikon" format (declaration part).
val layout_dtrace : Layout.t
The layout supporting the "Daikon" format (trace part).