Module Signal

module Signal: sig .. end
This module provides support for signal handling.

type t = 
| HUP (*Equivalent to Sys.sighup.*)
| USR1 (*Equivalent to Sys.sigusr1.*)
| USR2 (*Equivalent to Sys.sigusr2.*)
The type of signal that can trigger log rotate.
type error = 
| Invalid_signal_string of string
| Invalid_signal_int of int
| Invalid_signal_sys of int
exception Exception of error
val of_string : string -> t
Converts a string into a signal.

Raises Exception if the passed string is invalid.

val to_sys : t -> int
Converts a signal into its Sys equivalent.
val of_sys : int -> t
Converts a Sys integer code into a signal.

Raises Exception if the passed integer is invalid.

val to_int : t -> int
Converts a signal into an integer between 0 and max_int - 1.
val of_int : int -> t
Converts an integer into a signal.

Raises Exception if the passed integer is invalid (below 0, or above or equal to max_int).

val max_int : int
Maximal integer value for a signal.