Module Utils

module Utils: sig .. end
This module regroups miscellaneous utility functions.

val verbose : string -> unit
Prints the passed string if Bolt verbose mode is enabled, does nothing otherwise.
type 'a container 
The type of container mapping a string to an element, whatever their implementation is.
val make_container_functions : unit ->
'a container * (string -> 'a -> unit) * ('a -> string) * (string -> 'a)
make_container_functions () returns a quadruple with the following elements:
val get_thread_id : unit -> int
Returns the identifier of the current thread.
val enter_critical_section : unit -> unit
To be called when entering a critical section.
val leave_critical_section : unit -> unit
To be called when leaving a critical section.
val split : string -> string -> string list
split seps s returns a list of substrings of s separeted by contiguous substrings of elements from seps.
val trim_left : string -> string
Returns a copy of the string without leading whitespace.
val trim_right : string -> string
Returns a copy of the string without trailing whitespace.
val trim : string -> string
Returns a copy of the string without leading and trailing whitespace.