Index of values

(!&&&) [Filter]
Shorthand for for_all.
(!|||) [Filter]
Shorthand for exists.
(&&&) [Filter]
Shorthand for logand.
(^^^) [Filter]
Shorthand for logxor.
(|||) [Filter]
Shorthand for logor.
__ocaml_lex_comment_rec [ConfigLexer]
__ocaml_lex_string_rec [ConfigLexer]
__ocaml_lex_tables [ConfigLexer]
__ocaml_lex_token_rec [ConfigLexer]

add_char [ConfigLexer]
add_hexa_char [ConfigLexer]
add_octal_char [ConfigLexer]
add_variable [Paje.S]
add_variable [Paje]
Increases the value of a container variable by a given amount.
after [Filter]
after t returns a filter that returns true iff relative time of the event is strictly above t.
all [Filter]
Filter that always returns true.

before [Filter]
before t returns a filter that returns true iff relative time of the event is strictly below t.
bell [Output]
The output initially registered with the name "bell".
bindings [Event]
Returns the bindings for the passed event.
bool [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
bool_array [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
bool_list [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
bool_option [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).

column_defined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff column is above 0.
column_undefined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff column is not above 0.
comment [ConfigLexer]
container_types [Paje.Definitions]
The definition of container types: value, name, optional parent, and alias.
create_container [Paje.S]
create_container [Paje]
Creates a container with name, type, optional parent container, optional alias and a list of additional properties.
csv [Layout]
csv sep l constructs a layout ([], [], f) where f is the rendering function defined by: sep the CSV separator;, l the list of elements (referred to through keys) to output for each CSV record, (the available keys are those defined by Event.bindings).

debug_or_above [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.DEBUG or above.
debug_or_below [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.DEBUG or below.
decls_header [Daikon]
The header defining Daikon events (declaration part).
decls_render [Daikon]
The rendering function for Daikon format (declaration part).
default [Layout]
The layout initially registered with the name "default".
define_container_type [Paje]
Defines a new type of container with name, optional parent type, optional alias, and a list of additional properties.
define_entity_value [Paje]
Defines a new value for an entity value with name, type, color, optional alias, and a list of additional properties.
define_event_type [Paje]
Defines a new type of event with name, type, optional alias, and a list of additional properties.
define_link_type [Paje]
Defines a new type of link with name, type, start and end container types, optional alias, and a list of additonnal properties.
define_state_type [Paje]
Defines a new type of state with name, type, optional alias, and a list of additonnal properties.
define_variable_type [Paje]
Defines a new type of variable with name, type, optional alias, and a list of additonnal properties.
destroy_container [Paje.S]
destroy_container [Paje]
Destroys a container with name, type, and a list of additional properties.
direct [Mode]
Returns a mode delivering events as soon as they are generated.
dtrace_header [Daikon]
The header defining Daikon events (trace part).
dtrace_render [Daikon]
The rendering function for Daikon format (trace part).

end_link [Paje.S]
end_link [Paje]
Records the end of a link occuring inside a container, to an end.
enter [Daikon]
enter id pars Defines the properties for a entry point in code (typically function begin), id being the identifier for the function and pars the parameter list.
enter_critical_section [Utils]
To be called when entering a critical section.
entity_value_types [Paje.Definitions]
The definition of entity value types: value, name, parent container, color, and alias.
error_or_above [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.ERROR or above.
error_or_below [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.ERROR or below.
event_types [Paje.Definitions]
The definition of event types: value, name, container, and alias.
exception_none [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff error is equal to None.
exception_some [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff error matches Some _.
exists [Filter]
Constructs a filter that returns true iff at least one filter from the list returns true.
exit [Daikon]
exit id ret pars Defines the properties for a exit point in code (typically function end), id being the identifier for the function, ret the returned value and pars the parameter list.

fail [ConfigLexer]
fatal_or_above [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.FATAL or above.
fatal_or_below [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.FATAL or below.
file [Output]
The output initially registered with the name "file".
file [ConfigParser]
file_defined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff file is different from "", and "<nofile>".
file_equal [Filter]
file_equal f returns a filter that returns true iff file is equal to f.
file_not_equal [Filter]
file_not_equal f returns a filter that returns true iff file is different from f.
file_undefined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff file is equal to "", or "<nofile>".
float [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
float_array [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
float_list [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
float_option [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
for_all [Filter]
Constructs a filter that returns true iff all the filters from the list return true.

get [Output]
get n returns the output registered with name n.
get [Layout]
get n returns the layout registered with name n.
get [Filter]
get n returns the filter registered with name n.
get_loggers [Tree]
Returns the list of all loggers that may receive an event initially sent to the loggers whose name is passed.
get_thread_id [Utils]
Returns the identifier of the current thread.
growlnotify [Output]
The output initially registered with the name "growlnotify".

header [Paje]
The header defining Pajé events.
header [Log4j]
The header defining log4j elements (actually empty).
html [Layout]
The layout initially registered with the name "html".

incr_line [ConfigLexer]
info_or_above [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.INFO or above.
info_or_below [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.INFO or below.
int [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
int_array [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
int_list [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
int_option [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).

layout [Paje]
The layout supporting the "Pajé" trace format.
layout [Log4j]
The xml layout, compatible with the one defined by Apache log4j (cf.
layout_decls [Daikon]
The layout supporting the "Daikon" format (declaration part).
layout_dtrace [Daikon]
The layout supporting the "Daikon" format (trace part).
layout_noheader [Paje]
leave_critical_section [Utils]
To be called when leaving a critical section.
level [Paje.Definitions]
The level used to register definitions.
level_above [Filter]
level_equal l returns a filter that return true iff the level is above l.
level_below [Filter]
level_equal l returns a filter that return true iff the level is below l.
level_equal [Filter]
level_equal l returns a filter that return true iff the level is equal to l.
levels [Level]
The list of all levels, in ascending order (i.
line_defined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff line is above 0.
line_undefined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff line is not above 0.
link_types [Paje.Definitions]
The definition of link types: value, name, parent container, start container, end container, and alias.
load [ConfigurationOld]
Loads the configuration from the passed file.
load [ConfigurationNew]
Loads the configuration from the passed file.
log [Logger]
log nm lv ~file:f ~line:l ~column:c ~properties:p ~error:e msg produces an event of level lv, file f, line l, column c, properties p, error e, and message msg.
logand [Filter]
Constructs a filter that is the conjunction of the passed ones.
logger [Paje.Definitions]
The name of the logger used to register definitions.
logger_equal [Filter]
logger_equal l returns a filter that returns true iff logger is equal to l.
logger_not_equal [Filter]
logger_not_equal l returns a filter that returns true iff logger is different from l.
logor [Filter]
Constructs a filter that is the disjunction of the passed ones.
logxor [Filter]
Constructs a filter that is the exclusive disjunction of the passed ones.

make [Event]
make lg lv ~origin:o ~file:fn ~line:ln ~column:cl ~properties:p ~error:e m constructs a log event for logger lg with level lv, location being defined by fn (filename), ln (line) and cl (column).
make_container_functions [Utils]
make_container_functions () returns a quadruple with the following elements: a container;, a function that adds a named element to the container;, a function that adds an unnamed element to the container, and returns its name;, a function that returns the element whose name is passed, raising Not_found if such an element does not exist.
make_node [Tree]
Creates a node for holding loggers whose name is passed.
make_variable_builder [Daikon]
Constructs a variable builder function, by projecting a given value to a list of variables.
max_int [Signal]
Maximal integer value for a signal.
memory [Mode]
Returns a mode delivering all events at program termination.
message_daikon [Filter]
Filter that return true iff the message is a Daikon one.
message_defined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff message is different from "".
message_not_daikon [Filter]
Filter that return true iff the message is not a Daikon one.
message_not_paje [Filter]
Filter that return true iff the message is not a Pajé one.
message_paje [Filter]
Filter that return true iff the message is a Pajé one.
message_undefined [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff message is equal to "".
minimal [Layout]
The layout initially registered with the name "minimal".

new_event [Paje.S]
new_event [Paje]
Records a new event with type, container, value, and additional list of properties.
none [Filter]
Filter that always returns false.
not [Filter]
Constructs a filter that is the negation of the passed one.

of_int [Signal]
Converts an integer into a signal.
of_int [Level]
Converts the passed integer into a level.
of_list [Name]
Converts a string list into a logger name.
of_string [Signal]
Converts a string into a signal.
of_string [Name]
Converts a string into a logger name.
of_string [Level]
Converts the passed string into a level.
of_sys [Signal]
Converts a Sys integer code into a signal.

pattern [Layout]
pattern h f r constructs a layout (h, f, r') where r' is the rendering function defined by the string r.
point [Daikon]
point id vars defines the properties for a given point in code, id being the identifier for the point and vars the variable list.
pop_state [Paje.S]
pop_state [Paje]
Changes the states of a given container by poping a previously pushed value from its own stack.
prepare [Logger]
prepare nm indicates that a module is about to use a logger with name nm.
properties_empty [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff property list is empty.
properties_not_empty [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff property list is not empty.
property_defined [Filter]
property_defined n returns a filter that returns true iff the property named n is defined.
property_equal [Filter]
property_equal n v returns a filter that returns true iff the property named n is defined and has value v.
property_equal_pred [Filter]
property_equal_pred n p returns a filter that returns true iff the property named n is defined with value v, and p v equals true.
property_not_equal [Filter]
property_not_equal n v returns a filter that returns true iff the property named n is defined and has a value different from v, or is not defined.
property_not_equal_pred [Filter]
property_not_equal_pred n p returns a filter that returns true iff the property named n is defined with value v and p v equals false, or is not defined.
property_undefined [Filter]
property_undefined n returns a filter that returns true iff the property named n is not defined.
push_state [Paje.S]
push_state [Paje]
Pushes the current state of a given container to its own stack, and changes its state to the passed type and value.

register [Output]
register n o registers the output o with name n, replacing any existing output with the same name.
register [Logger]
register nm lv fl ly m out (n, r) registers a logger with name nm, level lv, filter named fl, mode m, layout named ly, and output named out.
register [Layout]
register n l registers the layout l with name n, replacing any existing layout with the same name.
register [Filter]
register n f registers the filter f with name n, replacing any existing filter with the same name.
register_logger [Tree]
Registers the passed logger, making it able to receive events.
register_unnamed [Output]
Similar to register except that an unused name is generated and returned.
register_unnamed [Layout]
Similar to register except that an unused name is generated and returned.
register_unnamed [Filter]
Similar to register except that an unused name is generated and returned.
render [Paje]
The rendering function for Pajé format.
render [Log4j]
The rendering function for log4j format.
render [Event]
render fmt e returns a string representing fmt where all bindings of e have been expanded.
render_bindings [Event]
render_bindings l fmt returns a string representing fmt where all bindings of the association list l have been expanded.
reset_state [Paje.S]
reset_state [Paje]
Clears all previously saved values for the type of a container.
retained [Mode]
Returns a mode delivering events every time a condition, specified by the string parameter is made true.

say [Output]
The output initially registered with the name "say".
set_state [Paje.S]
set_state [Paje]
Changes the state of a given container to a new value with passed type, and additional list of properties.
set_variable [Paje.S]
set_variable [Paje]
Sets the value of a container variable.
simple [Layout]
The layout initially registered with the name "simple".
split [Utils]
split seps s returns a list of substrings of s separeted by contiguous substrings of elements from seps.
start_link [Paje.S]
start_link [Paje]
Records the start of a link occuring inside a container, from a start.
state_types [Paje.Definitions]
The definition of event types: value, name, container, and alias.
string [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
string [ConfigLexer]
string_array [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value.
string_list [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
string_of_error [ConfigLexer]
string_option [Daikon]
Defines a variable from name and value (translated to a Daikon array).
sub_variable [Paje.S]
sub_variable [Paje]
Decreases the value of a container variable by a given amount.

t [Paje.S]
t [Paje]
The identifier message for Pajé event.
t [Daikon]
The identifier message for Daikon traces.
to_int [Signal]
Converts a signal into an integer between 0 and max_int - 1.
to_int [Level]
Converts the passed level into an integer.
to_list [Name]
Converts a logger name into a string list.
to_string [Name]
Converts a logger name into a string.
to_string [Level]
Converts the passed level into a string.
to_sys [Signal]
Converts a signal into its Sys equivalent.
token [ConfigLexer]
trace_or_above [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.TRACE or above.
trace_or_below [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.TRACE or below.
trim [Utils]
Returns a copy of the string without leading and trailing whitespace.
trim_left [Utils]
Returns a copy of the string without leading whitespace.
trim_right [Utils]
Returns a copy of the string without trailing whitespace.
tuple2 [Daikon]
tuple2 t1 t2 returns a variable builder for couple of type t1 * t2.
tuple3 [Daikon]
tuple3 t1 t2 t3 returns a variable builder for triple of type t1 * t2 * t3.
tuple4 [Daikon]
tuple4 t1 t2 t3 t4 returns a variable builder for quadruple of type t1 * t2 * t3 * t4.
tuple5 [Daikon]
tuple5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 returns a variable builder for quintuple of type t1 * t2 * t3 * t4 * t5.

value [Version]
The current version of Bolt as a string.
variable_types [Paje.Definitions]
The definition of variable types: value, name, container, color, and alias.
verbose [Utils]
Prints the passed string if Bolt verbose mode is enabled, does nothing otherwise.
void [Output]
The output initially registered with the name "void".

warn_or_above [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.WARN or above.
warn_or_below [Filter]
Filter that returns true iff level is Level.WARN or below.
with_logger [Event]
with_logger l e returns an event that is identical to e, except that its logger is equal to l.